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We repaired this bull's eye Malachite
inlay in a silver ring

Malachite isn't as common as it was years ago but we do still get pieces in from time to time that need to be repaired.

We keep a variety of Malachite in our stock for matching pieces.


Ring inlaid with broken Malachite

You can see the crack in this Malachite inlay.

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.

This has a circular pattern which is called a bull's eye.


Malachite rough material to be used

This shows the piece of Malachite rough material which I selected to use for the inlay replacement.


Carving the Malachite inlay to fit

This shows the diamond carving tool which we used to fit the inlay into the silver ring.

The Malachite has now been carved to fit tightly into the ring.

We make sure to center the bull's eye pattern in the center of the stone so that it will look nice.


Finishing off the top of the inlay

This shows me trimming down the top of the inlay on my diamond wheel so that it will be flush with the surface of the ring.

In this ring, the inlay had a slightly domed top rather than a flat top.


The finished inlay

Here you can see the finished Malachite inlay ring with the bull's eye pattern centered.

→ Take me back to examples of Inlays we have Repaired for Jewelers . . .


Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.